Sunday, November 7, 2010

Musical pressure of due darkness.

The crack of dark.
I am listening to quite a lovely rendition of   "Carol of the Bells" on the piano. Eldest took a break most of the year from the piano, but it ready to start back, and an evening where dark descends by 6pm seems like a nice opportunity for practice. Ah, darkness fills our evenings now, as well as our nights. Barn chores at 5, in order to locate all critters before luck is necessary for progress. De-icing has begun, and finding its way to barn radios and children's bedsides are the songs of Christmas. Leaking into my peace? Okay, well, not always peaceful here, but still. CAROLS? ALREADY? Now, normally this could be simply avoided. I do not tune in or seek out Christmas music until Advent. But, I do not control the tastes of my chil'ren. Youngest, in particular is ready for "Jingle Bells" in July, and in fact, avails himself of the freedom of voice year round. But, too,  even the other two are playing the music on the piano. Darkness falls and Christmas Carols settle into the crannies of time- too soon. Pressure builds to create "Christmas", the heavily burdened season of tradition. I have learned to be cautious of doing any "new" thing. It then becomes "When are we having the Caroling Party?" "When are we making the gingerbread village?" "What do you mean, we are only having spice, candy cane cookies, wedding cookies, black and whites, dark korova cookies, decorated sugar cookies, 6" gingerbread snowflakes, cranberry-caramel bars, creme de menthe bars, hounddogs, bearclaws, thumbprints, cashew crumbles, double peanut butter, millionaires and Mississippi mud bars? We have to have peanut tuiles, they're my favorite!" Only one Christmas tree? Nope, at least two, and the tallest one on the lot please. Plus, one in the barn, as the Lord and we, too, love our animals and they should feel the magic of a Christmas tree. Gifts for generous neighbors, dear friends and beloved family- none of whom live in a three state radius leads to a giant effort of shop, wrap, box, tape, address and lug to a post office to be brought inside in loads and pushed along on the floor until the front of the line is achieved and the dismay to all behind me is palpable. Decorating the mantels, doors, creches, bells, stockings, spotlights, it gets daunting to think about! So WHYWHYWHY can't I avoid the inevitable until after Thanksgiving? Because, I guess, I've done it well enough that the kids anticipate the coming season. We will shop for a family not our own, wrap presents for kids who have little, and bed linens, and blankets. We will buy coats for the folks at our soup kitchen. We will glow with the special promise that comes with Christmas. And, yes, we will have Christmas morning. And parties and too much rich food. I will make it happen, somehow, again this year....but for now I'd like to escape those pressures and enjoy - November!

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