Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks! To the Six.

Frozen Fog on the asparagus garden
Hey, you Cowfeathers readers! You six are so dedicated! My tally says that since I began this blog in August you have opened the blog 4218 times. That is 703 times per follower! That means that you have each read the blog nearly 7 times a day.(One of you slacked off and only read it 6 times one day. Must have been one of my more boring entries). Still, I can't help but be thankful that our lives at Cowfeathers have been found interesting by someone other than....oops, one of you is Huz. But there are still 5 of you out there who find our lives interesting. And, not to be presumptive about your time management, but I would be thrilled if you even read it once, so 7 times... well, it's not that interesting.
In any case, along with my precious family, extensive menagerie, paradise farm, a job, a job for Huz, the texture and depth of life, breath and death, I am thankful for my friends. Let's celebrate with food.

My ideal Thanksgiving involves putting before us a meal harvested from our farm. Unfortunately, as stated in a previous blog, I buggered the harvest this year by being a terrible homesteader. If we followed this ideal, we could have sweet potatoes, white potatoes, beets, and a late fall lettuces salad. And popcorn.
We have grown no wheat, so flour is out, no crusty pie, we have no lactating critters currently, so no milky smooth mashed taters. We don't raise turkeys, and have not the stones to club our chickens and lambs. Vegetarian thanksgiving. We have no nut trees (must remedy this), and the apple trees had a measly crop, which fell to the ground early, green and bitter. We have no bog for cranberries, our onions failed (remember we tried from seed instead of sets, dismal) and our carrots never appeared either. So, thankful for grocery stores in 2010. A turkey for my meat eaters, cranberries, flour, sugar, butter, apples, nuts, chocolate, and the unidentified perfection of "what in the heck is" a crescent roll? - all the essentials for a modern Thanksgiving meal. Most importantly, I have a Huz who is making it all. And, a God whom I can thank for this whole opportunity.
Ah, thankfulness, here everyday in the Cowfeathers blog. As you Six know.

Huz and Bourbon, pecan, chocolate heaven.

I know! Yum! The best part is it is so alcoholic, the kids don't like it- more for us! 

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