Monday, November 29, 2010

New Year's Resolution Project- November

Just in the nick of time, I'm done with November's project.
We put an addition on the house in 2007 that included a master suite and.......3 closets! 3! Now, keep in mind that this is so remarkable, because our house, built in the 1820's, expanded in the 1850's predates the notion of a closet. When Cowfeathers was built here in the windswept valley, your closet was mobile- a wardrobe. And, likely, early on there was probably no wardrobes here, just some pegs.
The current Mistress of Cowfeathers cannot seem to limit herself to a work outfit, a Sunday outfit and a sleeping gown. Pegs aren't going to cut it.

I am, although a country girl, also a bit of a clotheshorse. And my Huz doesn't get rid of anything. So, the need for closet space is great. Unfortunately, I had not gotten around to really utilizing the space that we had wisely created for closets, and they were a mess. A great source of angst for me. So, mundane as it is, closet reorganization became the project for November. And I am so thrilled to have our clothes organized and my stuff visible. Yippee!
The walk-in closet in my tubroom. Scarves hang on the wall behind the door, shoes on the wall opposite the shelves, and an adorable window in the closet for natural light. Huz also has space in this closet. (Please, Please, keep it neat!)
The closet outside the bedroom. This is where all my things were previous to the reorg. Now, Huz' sweatshirt collection is housed here so I had some room in the tubroom closet for tops and pants. It is nice not to have to leave the warm sanctuary of my tubroom to hunt down the base layer. (dressing  in Ohio from September through June is like constructing the perfect ski conditions. You start with a  base, then multiple layers until you put the final layer on top.)
Okay, so to recap the New Year's Resolution for 2010. It was a good one, very productive.

January- Paint Wedding painting for Pastor Tina and Joe
February-Complete vintage quilt begun in 2001
March-Spinning Border Leicester wool and then knitting a scarf.
April-Finding, buying Oslo
May-Getting the house alarms back in order
June- Complete last third of the border garden
July-Fence in middle pasture
August-Build fence and driveway gate at top of the lane
September-facelift for 181 year old livingroom
October-Plant hundreds of tulip, muscari, allium and daffodil bulbs
November- Closet utilization/organization
December- ?

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