Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fragile Flower needs a Moth

A rainy day, for the first time in a long time. The pastures are a dead mess. I haven't had the heart to keep the animals in, so they have been going out. Normally you could rotate pastures to keep any one pasture from being overgrazed. But, after two months without animals on it, the barn pasture hasn't grown a smidgen.
So, on this rainy day, the poor critters get left in the dry barn, which makes me feel bad. They aren't getting wet, but they aren't out having fun either! And now that it is wet, I'll have to be cautious about letting them turn the pastures to mud.
I retreated to the house, too, for the wet day. I am working, diligently on my New Year's Resolution Project-November. I will likely be done before the weekend and be able to post pictures - a show and tell! Due to my continued stubbornly uncooperative disc in my neck, I am relying on the help of Middlest, Youngest, and perfect strangers at the home improvement store to load my cart, and then my car! I will have to even ask Huz to unload 240lbs of concrete in the back of Denty that has been there for 3 days. What an experience. I am so unused to asking for help. I am a Lowe's regular, in my coveralls, loading my own concrete, choosing lumber, filling multiple carts with appliances, slate tile, plumbing fixtures, then popping it all into Denty. I usually get hit on in Lowe's- the sight of a makeup-free, coverall-clad, gal with power tools providing flame for somebody's moth tendency. Now, in my guise as a fragile flower, I just smile and wait for some nice man to offer to load my cart and then my car. Thank God for the kindness of strangers, and the humility I find in not doing for myself. When I am sound of spine, I resolve to be the flame offering help to the moths, or the other fragile flowers. For now, just doing what I can, keeping my petals dry.

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